Friday, December 17, 2010

Allow me to introduce ourselves

Welcome to our diary.  I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon with tales of our family adventures and the day to day chaos that is life with two kids 18 months apart and under 3 years old. 

Our story starts back in high school when I met Rob.  High school sweet hearts we were not...but several years later during our senior year of college (and many drunk phone calls later) our journey began.  Rob went to Texas and I, Indiana University.  We began dating late in college and married in 2004.  We lived in the city during our 20's and enjoyed our young professional careers.

Flash forward a few years and our first born was on the way.  We then made the drastic move to the suburbs (I know...gasp!) but it really has been the best thing for our family.  Ava was born March of 2008 and quickly became the love of our lives.  As all parents know, it is amazing how one child changes your life and completes your family.  She is still our baby girl now at nearly 3 years old.

I didn't think our hearts could expand any further and 18 months later Tyler David (aka Bubba) joined our family in this world.  Our little buddy just beams with smiles and brings us such joy each day.  He celebrated his first birthday in September and keeps us running 

I started this blog as a journal for myself and if there are funny stories along the way I hope you enjoy!

Clean up in aisle...entire house

Today has been just one of those days.  Rob's alarm didn't go off so we started off the day about 45 minutes later than usual.  Both kids also needed a bath this morning as I have been a tad lazy the last 2 nights.  So I quickly shower and then start to get both kids ready for a bath.  I strip down Tyler on our bed and go to put his clothes in the hamper.  I return to a nice big puddle on our bed spread.  Really?  It is only 7:00am.  Strip the bed...clean up #1.  Finally get both kids in the tub--success!  As I am getting Ava dressed I hear a crash followed by shattered glass.  What on earth is that.  I go running to find Tyler had broken Ava's night light on our bathroom floor.  I grab him hoping there is no glass on his feet and just shut the door and pretend my magic fairy maid will tend to that mess.  Now both kids dressed and trying to get downstairs.  I sit on the top of the stairs to then carry Tyler down and I notice chocolate milk sprayed across my wall from a sippy cup Tyler had apparently decided to test his throwing arm and toss  down the flight of stairs.  Milk everywhere, glass upstairs and a peed on comforter. Have I mentioned it is now only 7:20am.  Get the kids downstairs, sit them on the couch and turn on the TV.  Thank you Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for babysitting on short notice.  Leave kids and tend to the milk all over the wall and the shattered glass in the bathroom.  Back to square one and now time for breakfast.  The usual mess ensues when I see Tyler throwing his banana and bread all over the kitchen. Clean up mess # 4 or 5 too many to count this am.  Now it is 8:00am and the vacuum has made 2 appearances and a trip to the dry cleaners is now on the agenda for today.  I feel like it has already been a full day and we are just getting started!